Supreme Court to Hear Challenge to Health Care Law

November 14, 2011

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a challenge by 26 Republican governors and attorneys general that the new health care law passed by Congress and signed by President Obama is unconstitutional. To read the story follow the link below:

I welcome your thoughts on the health care law, the arguments made by these Republican governors and attorneys general, and the Supreme Court’s decision to hear the case.

U.S. Justice Department Claims South Carolina Immigration Law UnConstitutional

November 1, 2011

The Obama Administration filed a lawsuit on November 1, 2001 claiming that a South Carlina law requiring immigrants to carry a certificate of registration and that gives law enforcement agents with reasonable suspicion the authority to determine whether a person is legally in the country is unconstitutional.

The law is set to take effect January 1, 2012. The Justice Department contends that only the federal government has jurisdiction over immigration policy. South Carolina governor Nikki Haley who in June signed into law the state legislature’s Act No.69 said, “This state can no longer afford those who don’t come here the right way and we are now going to do something about it.” For the full article, please click on the link below:

For students in U.S. Constitution and American Society, please respond to the following question: Do you think that this South Carolina law is unconstitutional? Please refer to the text of the Constitution to support your answer.

The Avalon Project

December 9, 2010

The Avalon Project is a website sponsored by the Yale Law School containing hundreds of primary source material from history, government, and diplomacy. It is an excellent way for students to supplement class lectures and other reading material with first-hand accounts of important events. Here is the link:

Senator Chris Dodd’s Reelection Bid

April 3, 2009

This discussion will focus on whether or not Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) will be or ought to be relected to the U.S. Senate. Much has been made of Dodd’s role in the banking crisis and his past support of the AIG bonuses. Recently, his apporval ratings have dropped to 33 percent. For the first time in a long time he faces a tough battle against Republican candidates. The questions: Do you tihnk his nearly 30 years of service in the Senate will and/or should come to an end? What are the reasons you can give for your responses?

Who has the power to declare war–the President or Congress?

September 9, 2008

I would like students in both my American Government and U.S. Constitution courses to consider what the Constitution says about the power to declare war. It seems that the document contains a great deal of ambiguity regarding this issue. I also want you to apply your understanding of the constitutional power to declare war to the conflict in Iraq. Was the decision to go into Iraq constitutionally legitimate? If so, on what grounds? If not, who should be held responsible for this constitutional breach?